Parents always want the best for their kids so why would swimming lessons be any different? At h2o Swim Pros we teach participants to swim in a fun and innovative environment. Our program was designed by our lead staff over 25 years ago and has been used to teach over 125 000 participants how to swim. From babies of 6 months of age learning PediaSwim, to children and adult classes, we teach in a way that gets results quickly, leading to more efficient swimming in a shorter period of time. We believe in the science of proper movement and our lead staff have been industry leading experts over the past quarter century, studying and implementing programs that are enjoyable, efficient and fun, with proven results.
The Principals Of Proper Movement™ were designed in the early 1990s and have been improved upon and refined continually, resulting in learning how to swim smoother with less errors and less effort.
With small class sizes and warm water, we will have you or your child swimming smooth with less effort in less time than other programs.
For more information and pricing, give us a call at 403-899-SWIM(7946) or contact us on our contact page.